Created 13th July 1998. Thanks to Poul Schou for compiling these references.
Introductory reading
Aghion, Philippe and Howitt, Peter (1998). Endogenous Growth Theory, chapter 5. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Beltratti, Andrea (1996). Models of Economic Growth with Environmental Assets. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Gradus, Raymond and Smulders, Sjak (1993). The Trade-off Between Environmental Care and Long-term Growth – Pollution in Three Prototype Growth Models. Journal of Economics, 58(1), 25-51.
Smulders, Sjak (1995). Environmental Policy and Sustainable Economic Growth. De Economist, 163-195.
Further reading
Bovenberg, A.L. and de Mooij, Ruud (1997). Environmental Tax Reform and Endogenous Growth. Journal of Public Economics, 63, 207-237.
Bovenberg, A.L. and Smulders, Sjak (1995). Environmental Quality and Pollution-augmenting Technological Change in a Two-Sector Endogenous Growth Model. Journal of Public Economics, 57, 369-391.
Bovenberg, A.L. and Smulders, Sjak (1996). Transitional Impacts of Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model. International Economic Review, 37(4), 861-893.
Elbasha, Elamin H. and Roe, Terry L. (1996). On Endogenous Growth: The Implications of Environmental Externalities. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 31, 240-268.
Hofkes, Marian W. (1996). Modelling Sustainable Development: An Economy-Ecology Integrated Model. Economic Modelling, 13, 333-353.
John, A. and Pecchenino, R. (1994). An Overlapping Generations Model of Growth and the Environment. Economic Journal, 104, 1393-1410.
Ligthart, Jenny E. and van der Ploeg, Frederick (1994). Pollution, the Cost of Public Funds and Endogenous Growth. Economics Letters, 46, 339-349.
Michel, P. and Rotillon, Gilles (1995). Disutility of Pollution and Endogenous Growth. Environmental and Resource Economics, 6, 279-300.
Nielsen, Soeren Bo, Pedersen, Lars Haagen, and Sorensen, Peter Birch (1995). Environmental Policy, Pollution, Unemployment, and Endogenous Growth. International Tax and Public Finance, 2, 185-205.
Smulders, Sjak (1996). Entropy, Environment, and Endogenous Economic Growth. International Tax and Public Finance, 2, 319-40.
Smulders, Sjak and Gradus, Raymond (1996). Pollution Abatement and Long-term Growth. European Journal of Political Economy, 12, 505-532.
Stokey, Nancy L. (1998). Are There Limits to Growth? International Economic Review, 39, pp. 1-31.
van der Ploeg, Frederick, and Cees Withagen (1991). Pollution Control and the Ramsey Problem. Environmental and Resource Economics, 1, 215-236.
Verdier, T. (1995). Environmental Pollution and Endogenous Growth: A Comparison Between Emission Taxes and Technological Standards. In: Carlo Carraro and Jerzy A. Filar (eds.): Control and Game-Theoretic Models of the Environment. Birkhauser, Boston.
Withagen, Cees (1995). Pollution, Abatement and Balanced Growth. Environmental and Resource Economics, 5, 1-8.