Updated August 2001
See also the references on convergence and trade.
Introductory reading
Ben-David, Dan (1993). Equalizing exchange: trade liberalization and income convergence. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108, 653-679.
Dollar, D. (1991). Outward oriented developing economies really do grow more rapidly: evidence from 95 LDCs, 1976-85. Economic development and cultural change, 40(3), 523-544.
Edwards, S. (1993). Openness, trade liberalization, and growth in developing countries. Journal of Economic Literature, 1358-1393.
Edwards, S. (1998). Openness, productivity and growth: what do we really know? Economic Journal, 108, March, 383-398.
Harrison, A. (1996). Openness and growth: a time series, cross-country analysis for developing countries. Journal of Development Economics, 48, 419-447.
Krueger, A. O. (1997). Trade policy and economic development: how we learn. American Economic Review, 87(1), 1-22.
Proudman, James and Redding, Stephen (eds.) (1998). Openness and growth. Bank of England, London.
Rodrik, Dani and Rodriguez, Francisco (2000). Trade policy and economic growth: A skeptic’s guide to the cross-national evidence. NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2000, eds. Ben Bernanke and Kenneth S. Rogoff, MIT Press for NBER, Cambridge, MA.
Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. (1995). Economic reform and the process of global integration. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1-118
Syrquin, M. and Chenery, H. B. (1989). Three decades of industrialization. World Bank Economic Review, 3(2), 145-181.
Further reading
Badinger, H. (2001). Growth effects of economic integration – the case of the EU member states (1950-2000). Working paper.
Baldwin, Richard E. and Forslid, Rikard (1998). Trade and growth: any unfinished business? European Economic Review, 42, 695-703.
Ben-David, Dan (1994). Income disparity among countries and the effects of freer trade. In Luigi L. Pasinetti and Robert M. Solow (eds.) Economic growth and the structure of long-run development. London: Macmillan, 45-64.
Ben-David, Dan (1996). Trade and convergence among countries. Journal of International Economics, 40, 279-298.
Ben-David, Dan and Loewy, Michael (1998). Free trade, growth and convergence. Journal of Economic Growth, 3, 143-170.
Ben-David, Dan and Loewy, Michael (2000). Knowledge dissemination, capital accumulation, trade, and endogenous growth. Oxford Economic Papers, October, 52(4).
Ben-David, Dan and Papell, David (1997). International trade and structural change. Journal of International Economics, 43, 513-523.
Chuang, Yih-chyi (1998). Learning by doing, the technology gap, and growth. International Economic Review, 39(3), August, 697-721.
Edwards, S. (1992). Trade orientation, distortions, and growth in developing countries. Journal of Development Economics, 39, 31-57.
Edwards, S. (1997). Trade policy, growth, and income distribution. American Economic Review, 87(2), 205-210.
Frankel, J. A. and Romer, D. (1999). Does trade cause growth? American Economic Review, June, 89(3), 379-399.
Frankel, J. A., Romer, D. and Cyrus, T. (1996). Trade and growth in East Asian countries: cause and effect? NBER working paper no. 5732.
Greenaway, David; Leybourne, Stephen and Sapsford, David (1997). Modeling growth (and liberalization) using smooth transitions analysis. Economic Inquiry, 35(4), October, 798-814.
Gundlach, Erich (1997). Openness and economic growth in developing countries. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 133, 479-496.
Leamer, E. E. (1988). Measures of openness. In R. Baldwin (ed.) Trade policy issues and empirical analysis. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Levin, Andrew and Raut, Lakshmi (1997). Complementarities between exports and human capital in economic growth: evidence from the semi-industrialized countries. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 46(1), October, 61-77.
Levine, R. and Renelt, D. (1992). A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions. American Economic Review, 942-963.
McDermott, John (1999). Mercantilism and modern growth. Journal of Economic Growth, March, 4(1), 55-80.
Pritchett, L. (1996). Measuring outward orientation in developing countries: can it be done? Journal of Development Economics, 49(2), 307-335.
Quah, D. and Rauch, J. E. (1990). Openness and the rate of economic growth. Manuscript, MIT.
Sinha, Dipendra and Sinha, Tapen (1996). Openness and economic growth in India. Indian Journal of Economics, July, 115-125.
Sinha, Dipendra and Sinha, Tapen (1997). Openness, investment and economic growth in Asia. Manuscript.
Sinha, Tapen and Sinha, Dipendra (1996). An empirical investigation into the relationship between openness and economic growth: evidence from Asia. International Review of Economics and Business, April, 359-370.