Thanks to Lutz Arnold for initial contributions towards this page. Updated 31 October 2006
Models with human capital
Arnold, L .G. (1997). Stability of the Steady-State Equilibrium in the Uzawa-Lucas Model: A Simple Proof. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 117, 197-207.
Barro, R. J. and X. Sala-i-Martin (1995). Economic Growth. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Benhabib, J. and R. Perli (1994). Uniqueness and Indeterminacy: On the Dynamics of Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economic Theory, 63, 113-142.
Boldrin, M. and A. Rustichini (1994). Growth and Indeterminacy in Dynamic Models with Externalities. Econometrica, 62, 323-342.
Bond, E. W., P. Wang and C. K. Yip (1996). A General Two Sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Human and Physical Capital. Journal of Economic Theory, 68, 149-173.
Caballé, J. and M. S. Santos (1993). On Endogenous Growth with Physical and Human Capital. Journal of Political Economy, 101, 1042-1067.
Chamley, C. (1993). Externalities and Models of Learning or Doing. International Economic Review, 34, 583-609.
Faig, M. (1995). A Simple Economy with Human Capital: Transitional Dynamics, Technolgy Shocks, and Fiscal Policies. Journal of Macroeconomics, 17, 421-446.
Ladron-de-Guevara, Antonio, Salvador Ortigueira and M. S. Santos (1997). Equilibrium dynamics in two-sector models of endogenous growth. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 21, 115-143.
Mino, K. (1996). Analysis of a Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Capital Income Taxation. International Economic Review, 37, 227-251.
Mulligan, C. B. and X. Sala-i-Martin (1993). Transitional Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108, 737-773.
Papageorgiou, Christopher and Perez-Sebastian, Fidel (1999). Growth with technical change and human capital: transition dynamics versus steady state predictions. Working paper, Louisiana State University.
Xie, D. (1994). Divergence in Economic Performance: Transitional Dynamics with Multiple Equilibria. Journal of Economic Theory, 63, 97-112.
Models with R&D
Arnold, L. G. (2000). Endogenous technological change: a note on stability. Economic Theory, July, 16(1), 219-226.
Arnold, L. G. (2000). Stability of the Market Equilibrium in Romer’s Model of Endogenous Technological Change: A Complete Characterization. Journal of Macroeconomics, 22(1), 69-84.
Asada, T., W. Semmler and A. J. Novak (1998). Endogenous Growth and the Balanced Growth Equilibrium. Ricerche Economiche, 52, 189-212.
Benhabib, J., R. Perli and D. Xie (1994). Monopolistic Competition, Indeterminacy, and Growth. Ricerche Economiche, 48, 279-298.
Devereux, M. B. and B. J. Lapham (1994). The Stability of Economic Integration and Endogenous Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109, 299-308.
Eicher, Theo S. and Turnovsky, S. J. (2001). Transitional dynamics in a two-sector non-scale growth model. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, January, 25(1-2), 85-113.
Evans, G. W., S. Honkapohja and P. M. Romer (1998). Growth Cycles. American Economic Review, 88, 495-515.
Matsuyama, K. (1999). Growing Through Cycles. Econometrica, 67, 335-347.
Perez, Fidel (2000). Transitional dynamics in an R&D-based growth model with imitation: comparing its predictions to the data. Journal of Monetary Economics, 45(2), April.
Steger, Thomas M. (2006). On the Mechanics of Economic Convergence. German Economic Review, 7(3), August, 317-337.
Wälde, K. (1996). Transitional dynamics, convergence and international capital flows in a two-country model of innovation and growth. Journal of Economics, 64, 53-84.
Other models
Greiner, A. and W. Semmler (1996). Multiple steady states, indeterminacy, and cycles in a basic model of endogenous growth. Journal of Economics, 63, 79-99.
Jones, L. E. and R. E. Manuelli (1990). Optimal Taxation in Models of Endogenous Growth: Theory and Policy Implications. Journal of Political Economy, 98, 1008-1038.